

SWIFT is an acronym for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication.

SWIFT is an acronym for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. It is a secure, global messaging network that banks use to make electronic cross-border payments safely and conveniently. Most businesses use SWIFT to make wire transfers and accept payments from customers as SWIFT is the fastest way to make an international payment. Businesses or individuals may be asked for their SWIFT code, which would be a series of 8 to 11 numbers that identifies the bank the payment is to be sent to.

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Employers may require employees to relocate to another city or country as part of a job offer.

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PTO stands for Paid Time Off.

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Payroll Taxes

Payroll taxes are taxes directly related to work.

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هل تحتاج مساعدة لإعداد الموظفين على مستوى العالم؟

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SWIFT is an acronym for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication.

SWIFT is an acronym for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. It is a secure, global messaging network that banks use to make electronic cross-border payments safely and conveniently. Most businesses use SWIFT to make wire transfers and accept payments from customers as SWIFT is the fastest way to make an international payment. Businesses or individuals may be asked for their SWIFT code, which would be a series of 8 to 11 numbers that identifies the bank the payment is to be sent to.

تبسيط كشوف المرتبات مع مع ريموت باس

تقدم ريموت باس منصة قوية تساعد في عالم العمل اليوم. من تعيين موظفين جدد إلى الإعداد وإدارة كشوف المرتبات حول العالم ومتابعة فرق العمل عن بُعد جيدًا - نحن نساعد فيها جميعاً!

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إنهاء الخدمة

إنهاء الخدمة هو العملية التي تؤدي إلى الفصل الرسمي بين الموظف والشركة.

التعريف بالكامل


يشير الامتثال إلى الالتزام باللوائح والقوانين والمبادئ التوجيهية.

التعريف بالكامل

إجازة غير مدفوعة الأجر

إجازة يسمح بها صاحب العمل، ولكن لا يتم دفعها من حيث الأجور.

التعريف بالكامل