
13th month

A thirteenth salary, or year end bonus.

In many countries across Europe and Asia, it is mandatory to issue what is known as the thirteenth salary, or year end bonus. In some other countries it is customary but not mandatory. It is an extra payment that is usually equal to an extra month’s wages and is paid out in December each year, however in some instances it can be paid out bi-annually, quarterly, or even over the course of the year in addition to the individual’s regular pay. It is taxed alongside the employees regular income although in some cases it may be taxed at a lower rate.

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AML screening

AML, or anti-money laundering, screening is a critical part of compliance.

Full definition

Unlimited PTO

Allows employees to use fully paid unlimited leave.

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PTO stands for Paid Time Off.

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هل تحتاج مساعدة لإعداد الموظفين على مستوى العالم؟

ابدأ اليوم

13th month

A thirteenth salary, or year end bonus.

In many countries across Europe and Asia, it is mandatory to issue what is known as the thirteenth salary, or year end bonus. In some other countries it is customary but not mandatory. It is an extra payment that is usually equal to an extra month’s wages and is paid out in December each year, however in some instances it can be paid out bi-annually, quarterly, or even over the course of the year in addition to the individual’s regular pay. It is taxed alongside the employees regular income although in some cases it may be taxed at a lower rate.

تبسيط كشوف المرتبات مع مع ريموت باس

تقدم ريموت باس منصة قوية تساعد في عالم العمل اليوم. من تعيين موظفين جدد إلى الإعداد وإدارة كشوف المرتبات حول العالم ومتابعة فرق العمل عن بُعد جيدًا - نحن نساعد فيها جميعاً!

ابدأ اليوم

مدفوعات خارج دورة المرتبات

المدفوعات خارج الدورة تحدث عندما تتم معالجة المدفوعات خارج دورة مفردات المرتب العادية.

التعريف بالكامل

مفردات الراتب

هي الوثائق المرفقة بالرواتب التي تشير إلى الراتب الإجمالي.

التعريف بالكامل

بدلات يومية

Per diem هي كلمة لاتينية تعني في اليوم.

التعريف بالكامل