
الدولار الأمريكي (USD)
Payroll Frequency
نصف شهرية
Employer Taxes
15.15% إلى 19.85%



The most populous state in the United States, California is on the country's Pacific coast. Its largest city is Los Angeles, and the San Francisco Bay area is renowned as the center of the global tech industry.


الدولار الأمريكي (USD)
Country code
Min wage
13–14 USD per hour depending on number of employees
Working hours
8 hours per day
Monday to Friday
Work hours per week
40 hours per week




Avg employer tax

15.15% - 19.85%


Tax breakdown - Employer
  • Unemployment (State) – 1.50%-6.20%
  • Unemployment- New Employer (State) – 3.40%
  • FICA Social Security (Federal) – 6.20%
  • FICA Medicare (Federal) – 1.45%
  • FUTA Unemployment (Federal) – 6.00%


Holidays / PTO

Public holidays in 2024
  • 1 Jan: New Year's Day
  • 17 Jan: Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday
  • 4 Feb: Rosa Parks Day
  • 21 Feb: President's Day
  • 31 Mar: César Chávez Day
  • 30 May: Memorial Day
  • 4 Jul: Independence Day
  • 5 Sep: Labor Day
  • 11 Nov: Veterans Day
  • 24 Nov: Thanksgiving Day
  • 25 Nov: Thanksgiving Friday
  • 25 Dec: Christmas Day
  • 26 Dec: Christmas Holiday
Sick days

Sick leave falls under the federal FMLA - see our page on the United States for more details. In addition to federal provision, employees in California can accrue one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked, up to a maximum of three days per year. These sick leave days can be carried forward once to the next year, making a maximum of six days of sick leave.

Maternity leave

Maternity leave falls under the federal FMLA - see our page on the United States for more details. In addition to federal provision, the California Family Rights Act and Pregnancy Disability Leave offer further rights: Companies with over five employees must give employees who have disabilities related to pregnancy or birth up to four months' leave (unpaid) and six weeks on partial pay. Companies with over nineteen employees must provide up to 12 weeks of family leave to new parents.

Paternity leave

New fathers in California are entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid paternity leave.


Termination Process

See our page on the United States for details on termination processes that also apply to California.

Notice Period

Most employees in California are employed "at will", meaning either party can end the contract without notice. However, in practice, many employers offer and request two weeks' notice. In mass dismissal cases, 60 days' notice is a federal requirement.

Severance Pay

Employers are not required to pay severance except when it is stipulated in the employment contract or collective agreement. In California, many employers offer severance payments based on the employee's length of service.

Probation Period

Probationary periods are not legally required, but many employers follow the initial 90 days of employment with a performance evaluation.

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Tax Calculation

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Employer cost
Total monthly cost of employment
GBP 9,633
Gross monthly salary costs
GBP 8,334
Estimated taxes and contributions
GBP 8,334
Employee cost
Net monthly salary
GBP 5,137
Gross monthly salary
GBP 8,334
Estimated taxes & social security
GBP 8,334
Employer cost
Total yearly cost of employment
GBP 9,633
Gross yearly salary costs
GBP 8,334
Estimated taxes and contributions
GBP 8,334
Employee cost
Net yearly salary
GBP 5,137
Gross yearly salary
GBP 8,334
Estimated taxes & social security
GBP 8,334
Request a detailed quotation

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الدولار الأمريكي (USD)
تردد الرواتب
نصف شهرية
ضرائب أصحاب العمل
15.15% إلى 19.85%



The most populous state in the United States, California is on the country's Pacific coast. Its largest city is Los Angeles, and the San Francisco Bay area is renowned as the center of the global tech industry.


التركيبة السكانية
الدولار الأمريكي (USD)
رمز الاتصال الدولي
الحد الأدنى للأجور
13–14 USD per hour depending on number of employees
ساعات العمل
8 hours per day
أيام الأسبوع
Monday to Friday
ساعات العمل اسبوعيا
40 hours per week


موعد صرف الرواتب


متوسط ​​ضريبة صاحب العمل

15.15% - 19.85%

تحصيل الضرائب

التوزيع الضريبي - صاحب العمل
  • Unemployment (State) – 1.50%-6.20%
  • Unemployment- New Employer (State) – 3.40%
  • FICA Social Security (Federal) – 6.20%
  • FICA Medicare (Federal) – 1.45%
  • FUTA Unemployment (Federal) – 6.00%
ضريبة القيمة المضافة


العطل / PTO

العطلات الرسمية في عام 2024
  • 1 Jan: New Year's Day
  • 17 Jan: Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday
  • 4 Feb: Rosa Parks Day
  • 21 Feb: President's Day
  • 31 Mar: César Chávez Day
  • 30 May: Memorial Day
  • 4 Jul: Independence Day
  • 5 Sep: Labor Day
  • 11 Nov: Veterans Day
  • 24 Nov: Thanksgiving Day
  • 25 Nov: Thanksgiving Friday
  • 25 Dec: Christmas Day
  • 26 Dec: Christmas Holiday
الإجازات المرضية

Sick leave falls under the federal FMLA - see our page on the United States for more details. In addition to federal provision, employees in California can accrue one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked, up to a maximum of three days per year. These sick leave days can be carried forward once to the next year, making a maximum of six days of sick leave.

إجازة الأمومة

Maternity leave falls under the federal FMLA - see our page on the United States for more details. In addition to federal provision, the California Family Rights Act and Pregnancy Disability Leave offer further rights: Companies with over five employees must give employees who have disabilities related to pregnancy or birth up to four months' leave (unpaid) and six weeks on partial pay. Companies with over nineteen employees must provide up to 12 weeks of family leave to new parents.

إجازة الأبوة

New fathers in California are entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid paternity leave.

إنهاء العقد

عملية الإنهاء

See our page on the United States for details on termination processes that also apply to California.

فترة الإشعار

Most employees in California are employed "at will", meaning either party can end the contract without notice. However, in practice, many employers offer and request two weeks' notice. In mass dismissal cases, 60 days' notice is a federal requirement.

مكافأة نهاية الخدمة

Employers are not required to pay severance except when it is stipulated in the employment contract or collective agreement. In California, many employers offer severance payments based on the employee's length of service.

فترة الاختبار

Probationary periods are not legally required, but many employers follow the initial 90 days of employment with a performance evaluation.

ازدهار القوى العاملة عن بعد في _

تحديات التوظيف عن بعد في _

تبسيط التوظيف عن بعد في _ باستخدام ريموت باس

حساب الضريبة

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تكلفة صاحب العمل
إجمالي تكلفة التوظيف الشهرية
GBP 9,633
إجمالي تكاليف الراتب الشهري
GBP 8,334
الضرائب والمساهمات المقدرة
GBP 8,334
تكلفة الموظف
صافي الراتب الشهري
GBP 5,137
الراتب الشهري الإجمالي
GBP 8,334
الضرائب المقدرة والضمان الاجتماعي
GBP 8,334
تكلفة صاحب العمل
إجمالي تكلفة التوظيف السنوية
GBP 9,633
إجمالي تكاليف الرواتب السنوية
GBP 8,334
الضرائب والمساهمات المقدرة
GBP 8,334
تكلفة الموظف
صافي الراتب السنوي
GBP 5,137
الراتب السنوي الإجمالي
GBP 8,334
الضرائب المقدرة والضمان الاجتماعي
GBP 8,334
طلب عرض أسعار مفصل