Effortless employee relocation

Navigating employee relocation is seamless with RemotePass. Our platform simplifies the entire process, handling everything from visas and permits to local compliance. Onboard your global team with ease and efficiency, saving you valuable time and effort.

Trusted By Businesses Of All Sizes - Globally

Get Started in Three Steps

Candidate Relocation

Start with a comprehensive assessment to identify your candidate’s specific relocation needs, ensuring a smooth transition to their new role abroad.

Documentation &
process completion

Completing relocation documentation and steps can be a complex and time-consuming process, but RemotePass helps fulfilling the requirements and completing the application process.

Streamlined Visa &
Permit Acquisition

Our team expertly manages the visa and work permit process, simplifying legal requirements and procedures for your international workforce.

You exercise ongoing management and
guidance over your employees

Employer of Record

We take care of all aspects related
to compliance, payroll, risk management, and
employee benefits.

Hire from the Global Talent Pool

Trusted by Customers,

Recognized by Experts

Recognized Excellence of RemotePass

Some Tips From Our Blog