
اليوان الصيني (CNY)
Payroll Frequency
Employer Taxes
39.56 إلى 40.922% (بكين)



The world’s most populous country, China is located in East Asia and covers nearly 10 million km2 of diverse terrain. A communist country since 1948, China is currently the world’s fastest-growing major economy and number one manufacturer and exporter.


Standard Chinese (Mandarin)
اليوان الصيني (CNY)
Country code
Min wage
2,320 CNY in Beijing
Working hours
8 hours per day
Monday to Friday
Work hours per week
40 hours per week




Avg employer tax

39.56–40.922% (Beijing)


Tax breakdown - Employer

In Beijing:

  • Pension: 16% (maximum base is 26,541 CNY)
  • Unemployment insurance: 0.80% (maximum base is 26,541 CNY)
  • Medical insurance: 9.80% (maximum base is 29,732 CNY)
  • Injury insurance: 0.16-1.52% (maximum base is 26,541 CNY)
  • Maternity insurance: 0.80% (maximum base is 29,732 CNY)
  • Housing fund: 12% (maximum base is 26,541 CNY)


Holidays / PTO

Public holidays in 2024
  • 1 Jan: New Year Holiday
  • 1 Feb to 7 Feb: Spring Festival
  • 5 Apr: Ching Ming Festival
  • 1 May: Labor Day Holiday
  • 3 Jun: Dragon Boat Festival
  • 10 Sep: Mid-Autumn Festival
  • 1 Oct to 7 Oct: National Day Holiday

NB – these are estimated dates for national holidays and are yet to be confirmed. In addition to these dates, some regional holidays are also observed.

Sick days

Sick pay is generally dependent upon an employee’s length of service. Although there are some regional variations, the most common arrangement is as follows:

  • Under 5 years’ service: 3 months of sick leave
  • Between 5 and 10 years’ service: 6 to 9 months of sick leave (depending on region)
  • Between 10 and 15 years’ service: 12 to 18 months of sick leave (depending on region)
  • Between 15 and 20 years’ service: 18 months of sick leave
  • Over 20 years’ service: 24 months of sick leave

Calculations for the amount of pay that an employee receives when on sick leave are also determined by their length of service. In the case of sick leave of six months or under the calculations are as follows:

  • Less than two years of service: 60% of salary
  • Between 2 and 4 years of service: 70% of salary
  • Between 4 and 6 years of service: 80% of salary
  • Between 6 and 8 years of service: 90% of salary
  • Over 8 years of service: 100% of salary

In the case of sick leave of over six months, the calculations are as follows:

  • Less than 1 year of service: 40% of salary
  • Between 1 and 3 years of service: 50% of salary
  • Over 3 years of service: 60% of salary

Maternity leave

Maternity leave is generally set at 98 days paid, increasing to 113 days in the case of complicated or multiple births. Maternity leave is paid by the Social Security Bureau and is equal to either the employee’s average monthly salary over the previous year or the minimum wage times three, depending on whichever figure is higher. There are some regional differences in maternity leave entitlements and payments.

Paternity leave

Paternity leave is generally set at ten days paid, although this is subject to some regional variation.


Termination Process

The process for terminating a contract in China is subject to much variation depending on factors that include the type of contract, the job role, the specifics of the employment agreement and any relevant collective agreements, the reason for termination, and the region in which the employee is employed.

Notice Period

Typical notice periods are 30 days, although employers also have the option to give payment in lieu of notice.

Severance Pay

Employers are required to offer severance pay to eligible employers, with the amount varying depending on their length of service. Employees can receive one month’s regular salary per year of service up to a maximum of 12 months of pay.

Probation Period

Probation periods in China are typically between one and six months.

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Tax Calculation

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Employer cost
Total monthly cost of employment
GBP 9,633
Gross monthly salary costs
GBP 8,334
Estimated taxes and contributions
GBP 8,334
Employee cost
Net monthly salary
GBP 5,137
Gross monthly salary
GBP 8,334
Estimated taxes & social security
GBP 8,334
Employer cost
Total yearly cost of employment
GBP 9,633
Gross yearly salary costs
GBP 8,334
Estimated taxes and contributions
GBP 8,334
Employee cost
Net yearly salary
GBP 5,137
Gross yearly salary
GBP 8,334
Estimated taxes & social security
GBP 8,334
Request a detailed quotation

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اليوان الصيني (CNY)
تردد الرواتب
ضرائب أصحاب العمل
39.56 إلى 40.922% (بكين)



The world’s most populous country, China is located in East Asia and covers nearly 10 million km2 of diverse terrain. A communist country since 1948, China is currently the world’s fastest-growing major economy and number one manufacturer and exporter.


التركيبة السكانية
Standard Chinese (Mandarin)
اليوان الصيني (CNY)
رمز الاتصال الدولي
الحد الأدنى للأجور
2,320 CNY in Beijing
ساعات العمل
8 hours per day
أيام الأسبوع
Monday to Friday
ساعات العمل اسبوعيا
40 hours per week


موعد صرف الرواتب


متوسط ​​ضريبة صاحب العمل

39.56–40.922% (Beijing)

تحصيل الضرائب

التوزيع الضريبي - صاحب العمل

In Beijing:

  • Pension: 16% (maximum base is 26,541 CNY)
  • Unemployment insurance: 0.80% (maximum base is 26,541 CNY)
  • Medical insurance: 9.80% (maximum base is 29,732 CNY)
  • Injury insurance: 0.16-1.52% (maximum base is 26,541 CNY)
  • Maternity insurance: 0.80% (maximum base is 29,732 CNY)
  • Housing fund: 12% (maximum base is 26,541 CNY)
ضريبة القيمة المضافة


العطل / PTO

العطلات الرسمية في عام 2024
  • 1 Jan: New Year Holiday
  • 1 Feb to 7 Feb: Spring Festival
  • 5 Apr: Ching Ming Festival
  • 1 May: Labor Day Holiday
  • 3 Jun: Dragon Boat Festival
  • 10 Sep: Mid-Autumn Festival
  • 1 Oct to 7 Oct: National Day Holiday

NB – these are estimated dates for national holidays and are yet to be confirmed. In addition to these dates, some regional holidays are also observed.

الإجازات المرضية

Sick pay is generally dependent upon an employee’s length of service. Although there are some regional variations, the most common arrangement is as follows:

  • Under 5 years’ service: 3 months of sick leave
  • Between 5 and 10 years’ service: 6 to 9 months of sick leave (depending on region)
  • Between 10 and 15 years’ service: 12 to 18 months of sick leave (depending on region)
  • Between 15 and 20 years’ service: 18 months of sick leave
  • Over 20 years’ service: 24 months of sick leave

Calculations for the amount of pay that an employee receives when on sick leave are also determined by their length of service. In the case of sick leave of six months or under the calculations are as follows:

  • Less than two years of service: 60% of salary
  • Between 2 and 4 years of service: 70% of salary
  • Between 4 and 6 years of service: 80% of salary
  • Between 6 and 8 years of service: 90% of salary
  • Over 8 years of service: 100% of salary

In the case of sick leave of over six months, the calculations are as follows:

  • Less than 1 year of service: 40% of salary
  • Between 1 and 3 years of service: 50% of salary
  • Over 3 years of service: 60% of salary

إجازة الأمومة

Maternity leave is generally set at 98 days paid, increasing to 113 days in the case of complicated or multiple births. Maternity leave is paid by the Social Security Bureau and is equal to either the employee’s average monthly salary over the previous year or the minimum wage times three, depending on whichever figure is higher. There are some regional differences in maternity leave entitlements and payments.

إجازة الأبوة

Paternity leave is generally set at ten days paid, although this is subject to some regional variation.

إنهاء العقد

عملية الإنهاء

The process for terminating a contract in China is subject to much variation depending on factors that include the type of contract, the job role, the specifics of the employment agreement and any relevant collective agreements, the reason for termination, and the region in which the employee is employed.

فترة الإشعار

Typical notice periods are 30 days, although employers also have the option to give payment in lieu of notice.

مكافأة نهاية الخدمة

Employers are required to offer severance pay to eligible employers, with the amount varying depending on their length of service. Employees can receive one month’s regular salary per year of service up to a maximum of 12 months of pay.

فترة الاختبار

Probation periods in China are typically between one and six months.

ازدهار القوى العاملة عن بعد في _

تحديات التوظيف عن بعد في _

تبسيط التوظيف عن بعد في _ باستخدام ريموت باس

حساب الضريبة

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تكلفة صاحب العمل
إجمالي تكلفة التوظيف الشهرية
GBP 9,633
إجمالي تكاليف الراتب الشهري
GBP 8,334
الضرائب والمساهمات المقدرة
GBP 8,334
تكلفة الموظف
صافي الراتب الشهري
GBP 5,137
الراتب الشهري الإجمالي
GBP 8,334
الضرائب المقدرة والضمان الاجتماعي
GBP 8,334
تكلفة صاحب العمل
إجمالي تكلفة التوظيف السنوية
GBP 9,633
إجمالي تكاليف الرواتب السنوية
GBP 8,334
الضرائب والمساهمات المقدرة
GBP 8,334
تكلفة الموظف
صافي الراتب السنوي
GBP 5,137
الراتب السنوي الإجمالي
GBP 8,334
الضرائب المقدرة والضمان الاجتماعي
GBP 8,334
طلب عرض أسعار مفصل