
الليو الروماني (RON)
Payroll Frequency
Employer Taxes



Located in southeastern Europe, Romania stands where the River Danube flows into the Black Sea. It is classed as a developing country with a high-income economy.


الليو الروماني (RON)
Country code
Min wage
2,300 RON gross per month.
Working hours
8 hours per day
Monday to Friday
Work hours per week
48 hours per week




Avg employer tax



Tax breakdown - Employer
  • Unemployment insurance: 2.25%
  • Social security (pension) contribution: 4%


Holidays / PTO

Public holidays in 2024
  • 1 Jan: New Year's Day
  • 2 Jan: New Year Holiday
  • 24 Jan: Union of the Romanian Principalities
  • 22 Apr: Orthodox Good Friday
  • 24 Apr: Orthodox Easter Sunday        
  • 25 Apr: Orthodox Easter Monday        
  • 1 May: Labor Day
  • 1 Jun: Children's Day        
  • 12 Jun: Orthodox Whit Sunday
  • 13 Jun: Orthodox Whit Monday
  • 15 Aug: Assumption Day        
  • 30 Nov: Feast of Saint Andrew
  • 1 Dec: Great Union Day
  • 25 Dec: Christmas Day
  • 26 Dec: 2nd Day of Christmas
Sick days

Sick leave of up to 180 days (plus potential 90-day extension) is payable to employees who belong to the pension and social insurance system. The first five days are paid by the employer, with the rest paid by social security. The amount paid ranges from 75–100% of the employee's average salary over the last six months, depending on the nature of the illness.

Maternity leave

Paid maternity leave is set at 126 days, at least 63 of which must be taken before the due date, with the remainder after the birth. Payments amount to 85% of wages and are paid by the government.

Paternity leave

Paid paternity leave is either five or ten days, increasing to 15 days if the employee completes a childcare course.


Termination Process

Termination processes vary depending on the type of contract, the reason for termination, the employment agreement, and any collective agreements in place. Contracts can be terminated by law, by the parties' mutual consent, or by either party individually if acting within the terms of the contract/law.

Notice Period

Employers must give 20 working days' notice if they wish to terminate an employment contract. Employees in non-management positions must give 20 working days' notice (managers must give 45 days' notice).

Severance Pay

No severance pay is required in Romania unless it is stipulated by a collective agreement.

Probation Period

Probation periods are determined by the role and set out in the employment agreement. Typical probation periods are 90 days (rising to 120 for managerial positions).

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Tax Calculation

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Employer cost
Total monthly cost of employment
GBP 9,633
Gross monthly salary costs
GBP 8,334
Estimated taxes and contributions
GBP 8,334
Employee cost
Net monthly salary
GBP 5,137
Gross monthly salary
GBP 8,334
Estimated taxes & social security
GBP 8,334
Employer cost
Total yearly cost of employment
GBP 9,633
Gross yearly salary costs
GBP 8,334
Estimated taxes and contributions
GBP 8,334
Employee cost
Net yearly salary
GBP 5,137
Gross yearly salary
GBP 8,334
Estimated taxes & social security
GBP 8,334
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الليو الروماني (RON)
تردد الرواتب
ضرائب أصحاب العمل



Located in southeastern Europe, Romania stands where the River Danube flows into the Black Sea. It is classed as a developing country with a high-income economy.


التركيبة السكانية
الليو الروماني (RON)
رمز الاتصال الدولي
الحد الأدنى للأجور
2,300 RON gross per month.
ساعات العمل
8 hours per day
أيام الأسبوع
Monday to Friday
ساعات العمل اسبوعيا
48 hours per week


موعد صرف الرواتب


متوسط ​​ضريبة صاحب العمل


تحصيل الضرائب

التوزيع الضريبي - صاحب العمل
  • Unemployment insurance: 2.25%
  • Social security (pension) contribution: 4%
ضريبة القيمة المضافة


العطل / PTO

العطلات الرسمية في عام 2024
  • 1 Jan: New Year's Day
  • 2 Jan: New Year Holiday
  • 24 Jan: Union of the Romanian Principalities
  • 22 Apr: Orthodox Good Friday
  • 24 Apr: Orthodox Easter Sunday        
  • 25 Apr: Orthodox Easter Monday        
  • 1 May: Labor Day
  • 1 Jun: Children's Day        
  • 12 Jun: Orthodox Whit Sunday
  • 13 Jun: Orthodox Whit Monday
  • 15 Aug: Assumption Day        
  • 30 Nov: Feast of Saint Andrew
  • 1 Dec: Great Union Day
  • 25 Dec: Christmas Day
  • 26 Dec: 2nd Day of Christmas
الإجازات المرضية

Sick leave of up to 180 days (plus potential 90-day extension) is payable to employees who belong to the pension and social insurance system. The first five days are paid by the employer, with the rest paid by social security. The amount paid ranges from 75–100% of the employee's average salary over the last six months, depending on the nature of the illness.

إجازة الأمومة

Paid maternity leave is set at 126 days, at least 63 of which must be taken before the due date, with the remainder after the birth. Payments amount to 85% of wages and are paid by the government.

إجازة الأبوة

Paid paternity leave is either five or ten days, increasing to 15 days if the employee completes a childcare course.

إنهاء العقد

عملية الإنهاء

Termination processes vary depending on the type of contract, the reason for termination, the employment agreement, and any collective agreements in place. Contracts can be terminated by law, by the parties' mutual consent, or by either party individually if acting within the terms of the contract/law.

فترة الإشعار

Employers must give 20 working days' notice if they wish to terminate an employment contract. Employees in non-management positions must give 20 working days' notice (managers must give 45 days' notice).

مكافأة نهاية الخدمة

No severance pay is required in Romania unless it is stipulated by a collective agreement.

فترة الاختبار

Probation periods are determined by the role and set out in the employment agreement. Typical probation periods are 90 days (rising to 120 for managerial positions).

ازدهار القوى العاملة عن بعد في _

تحديات التوظيف عن بعد في _

تبسيط التوظيف عن بعد في _ باستخدام ريموت باس

حساب الضريبة

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تكلفة صاحب العمل
إجمالي تكلفة التوظيف الشهرية
GBP 9,633
إجمالي تكاليف الراتب الشهري
GBP 8,334
الضرائب والمساهمات المقدرة
GBP 8,334
تكلفة الموظف
صافي الراتب الشهري
GBP 5,137
الراتب الشهري الإجمالي
GBP 8,334
الضرائب المقدرة والضمان الاجتماعي
GBP 8,334
تكلفة صاحب العمل
إجمالي تكلفة التوظيف السنوية
GBP 9,633
إجمالي تكاليف الرواتب السنوية
GBP 8,334
الضرائب والمساهمات المقدرة
GBP 8,334
تكلفة الموظف
صافي الراتب السنوي
GBP 5,137
الراتب السنوي الإجمالي
GBP 8,334
الضرائب المقدرة والضمان الاجتماعي
GBP 8,334
طلب عرض أسعار مفصل