Turkey is home to 18 UNESCO-designated World Heritage Sites. The country is connected by the Bosphorus bridge joining the continents of Europe and Asia.
الليرة التركية (TRY)
Country code
Min wage
Working hours
8 AM - 5 PM
Work hours per week
The pay cycle is on a month-by-month basis.
Avg employer tax
15%: 0 TRY - 24,000 TRY
20%: 24,001 TRY - 53,000 TRY
27%: 53,001 TRY - 190,000 TRY
35%: 190,001 TRY - 650,000 TRY
40%: 650,001 TRY +
Tax breakdown - Employer
2% Short-Term Insurance Branch Premium
11% Pension & Disability
7.5% General Health Insurance
2% Unemployment Insurance
The standard rate of VAT is 18%
Holidays / PTO
Public holidays in 2024
1 Jan: Friday, New Year's Day
23 Apr: Friday, National Sovereignty and Children's Day
19 May: Wednesday, Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day
15 Jul: Thursday, Democracy and National Unity Day
19 Jul: Monday, Sacrifice Feast Eve
20 Jul: Tuesday, Sacrifice Feast
21 Jul: Wednesday, Sacrifice Feast Day 2
22 Jul: Thursday, Sacrifice Feast Day 3
23 Jul: Friday, Sacrifice Feast Day 4
30 Aug: Monday, Victory Day
29 Oct: Friday, Republic Day
Sick days
There is no obligatory commitment for the business to pay the representative compensation during debilitated leave.
Following 3 days of wiped-out leave, Social Security will pay the worker.
Practically speaking, numerous businesses pay standard compensation for the initial 2 days (which are not covered by Social Security) or, in any event, for the whole time of sick leave (and get a partial refund when paid by Social Security).
Following a month and a half of sick leave, the employee qualifies for termination of employment.
Maternity leave
Working moms qualify for four months of maternity leave at full pay.
Two months of this leave may be taken before the child's birth.
No less than 3 weeks should be taken before the due date.
On account of premature or multiple births, the total maternity leave is 18 weeks.
Payment during maternity leave comes from social security.
Paternity leave
The father qualifies for 5 days of paternity leave.
During paternity leave, the father receives full compensation, paid by the employer.
Termination Process
Reasons for termination are required.
These reasons should be valid and based on the requirements stated in the contract.
Exclusions to this norm include: Fix term contract; workers who worked less than 6 months; an employer of fewer than 30 workers; employer's agents and his associates approved to manage the company.
In such exceptions, no compelling reason is required. However, the employer in these cases is discouraged from abusive or discriminating dismissal.
Notice Period
Notice is dictated by status:
0 – 6 months 2 weeks
6 – 18 months 4 weeks
18 – 36 months 6 weeks
More than 36 months 8 weeks
Severance Pay
Generally, employees who worked more than 1 year and were unfairly dismissed (or resigned due to just cause) are entitled to receive severance pay.
The maximum amount of such payment varies according to the specific salary and up to the amount of 6,730.15 TRL per annum (for 2020), multiplied by the number of years that the employee worked for the employer.
Probation Period
The probation period is limited to 2 months.
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Tax Calculation
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Turkey is home to 18 UNESCO-designated World Heritage Sites. The country is connected by the Bosphorus bridge joining the continents of Europe and Asia.
التركيبة السكانية
الليرة التركية (TRY)
رمز الاتصال الدولي
الحد الأدنى للأجور
ساعات العمل
8 AM - 5 PM
أيام الأسبوع
ساعات العمل اسبوعيا
موعد صرف الرواتب
The pay cycle is on a month-by-month basis.
متوسط ضريبة صاحب العمل
15%: 0 TRY - 24,000 TRY
20%: 24,001 TRY - 53,000 TRY
27%: 53,001 TRY - 190,000 TRY
35%: 190,001 TRY - 650,000 TRY
40%: 650,001 TRY +
تحصيل الضرائب
التوزيع الضريبي - صاحب العمل
2% Short-Term Insurance Branch Premium
11% Pension & Disability
7.5% General Health Insurance
2% Unemployment Insurance
ضريبة القيمة المضافة
The standard rate of VAT is 18%
العطل / PTO
العطلات الرسمية في عام 2024
1 Jan: Friday, New Year's Day
23 Apr: Friday, National Sovereignty and Children's Day
19 May: Wednesday, Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day
15 Jul: Thursday, Democracy and National Unity Day
19 Jul: Monday, Sacrifice Feast Eve
20 Jul: Tuesday, Sacrifice Feast
21 Jul: Wednesday, Sacrifice Feast Day 2
22 Jul: Thursday, Sacrifice Feast Day 3
23 Jul: Friday, Sacrifice Feast Day 4
30 Aug: Monday, Victory Day
29 Oct: Friday, Republic Day
الإجازات المرضية
There is no obligatory commitment for the business to pay the representative compensation during debilitated leave.
Following 3 days of wiped-out leave, Social Security will pay the worker.
Practically speaking, numerous businesses pay standard compensation for the initial 2 days (which are not covered by Social Security) or, in any event, for the whole time of sick leave (and get a partial refund when paid by Social Security).
Following a month and a half of sick leave, the employee qualifies for termination of employment.
إجازة الأمومة
Working moms qualify for four months of maternity leave at full pay.
Two months of this leave may be taken before the child's birth.
No less than 3 weeks should be taken before the due date.
On account of premature or multiple births, the total maternity leave is 18 weeks.
Payment during maternity leave comes from social security.
إجازة الأبوة
The father qualifies for 5 days of paternity leave.
During paternity leave, the father receives full compensation, paid by the employer.
إنهاء العقد
عملية الإنهاء
Reasons for termination are required.
These reasons should be valid and based on the requirements stated in the contract.
Exclusions to this norm include: Fix term contract; workers who worked less than 6 months; an employer of fewer than 30 workers; employer's agents and his associates approved to manage the company.
In such exceptions, no compelling reason is required. However, the employer in these cases is discouraged from abusive or discriminating dismissal.
فترة الإشعار
Notice is dictated by status:
0 – 6 months 2 weeks
6 – 18 months 4 weeks
18 – 36 months 6 weeks
More than 36 months 8 weeks
مكافأة نهاية الخدمة
Generally, employees who worked more than 1 year and were unfairly dismissed (or resigned due to just cause) are entitled to receive severance pay.
The maximum amount of such payment varies according to the specific salary and up to the amount of 6,730.15 TRL per annum (for 2020), multiplied by the number of years that the employee worked for the employer.
فترة الاختبار
The probation period is limited to 2 months.
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