الولايات المتحدة

دولار الولايات المتحدة (USD)
Payroll Frequency
يختلف حسب الولاية
Employer Taxes


United States

Occupying a huge swathe of the North American continent, the United States consists of fifty states and is widely recognized as the world’s largest economy and most powerful country.


Washington DC
دولار الولايات المتحدة (USD)
Country code
Min wage
7.25 USD federally
Working hours
8 hours per day
Monday to Friday
Work hours per week
40 hours per week



Varies by state

Avg employer tax



Tax breakdown - Employer
  • FICA social security: 6.20%        
  • FICA Medicare: 1.45%        
  • FUTA (Federal Unemployment Tax Act): 6.0%        

There is no federal VAT in the US.

Holidays / PTO

Public holidays in 2024
  • 1 Jan: New Year’s Day
  • 17 Jan: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • 21 Feb: President’s Day
  • 30 May: Memorial Day
  • 20 Jun: Juneteenth (in lieu)
  • 4 Jul: Independence Day
  • 4 Sep: Labor Day
  • 10 Oct: Columbus Day
  • 11 Nov: Veterans Day
  • 24 Nov: Thanksgiving
  • 26 Dec: Christmas Day (in lieu)
Sick days

Some employees are entitled under the Family Medical Leave Act to up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave each year for medical reasons. To be eligible employees have to have been with their employer for at least 12 months, have worked at least 1,250 hours over the course of the previous year, and be working for a company with at least 50 employees within 75 miles of their work location. Some states have further legislation relating to sick leave that goes beyond these federal requirements.

Maternity leave

The Family and Medical Leave Act stipulates that mothers of newborn children are entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid leave if they are working for a company with 50+ employees. Some states have extended that right to women working for smaller companies. However, most mothers working for smaller companies have no right to paid or unpaid maternity leave.

Paternity leave

In the majority of states, there is no legal requirement to offer paid paternity leave.


Termination Process

Employers terminating an employee’s contract must follow relevant federal, state, and city laws regarding such issues as notice and processing final pay.

Notice Period

Formal notice periods are not required when either party wants to end the employment relationship. However, 60 days’ notice must be given in mass dismissal cases.

Severance Pay

There are no federal requirements to offer severance pay.

Probation Period

Probation periods vary from employer to employer and job to job, but a typical probation period would be 90 days.

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Tax Calculation

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Top Countries
Employer cost
Total monthly cost of employment
GBP 9,633
Gross monthly salary costs
GBP 8,334
Estimated taxes and contributions
GBP 8,334
Employee cost
Net monthly salary
GBP 5,137
Gross monthly salary
GBP 8,334
Estimated taxes & social security
GBP 8,334
Employer cost
Total yearly cost of employment
GBP 9,633
Gross yearly salary costs
GBP 8,334
Estimated taxes and contributions
GBP 8,334
Employee cost
Net yearly salary
GBP 5,137
Gross yearly salary
GBP 8,334
Estimated taxes & social security
GBP 8,334
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الولايات المتحدة

دولار الولايات المتحدة (USD)
تردد الرواتب
يختلف حسب الولاية
ضرائب أصحاب العمل


الولايات المتحدة

Occupying a huge swathe of the North American continent, the United States consists of fifty states and is widely recognized as the world’s largest economy and most powerful country.


التركيبة السكانية
Washington DC
دولار الولايات المتحدة (USD)
رمز الاتصال الدولي
الحد الأدنى للأجور
7.25 USD federally
ساعات العمل
8 hours per day
أيام الأسبوع
Monday to Friday
ساعات العمل اسبوعيا
40 hours per week


موعد صرف الرواتب

Varies by state

متوسط ​​ضريبة صاحب العمل


تحصيل الضرائب

التوزيع الضريبي - صاحب العمل
  • FICA social security: 6.20%        
  • FICA Medicare: 1.45%        
  • FUTA (Federal Unemployment Tax Act): 6.0%        
ضريبة القيمة المضافة

There is no federal VAT in the US.

العطل / PTO

العطلات الرسمية في عام 2024
  • 1 Jan: New Year’s Day
  • 17 Jan: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • 21 Feb: President’s Day
  • 30 May: Memorial Day
  • 20 Jun: Juneteenth (in lieu)
  • 4 Jul: Independence Day
  • 4 Sep: Labor Day
  • 10 Oct: Columbus Day
  • 11 Nov: Veterans Day
  • 24 Nov: Thanksgiving
  • 26 Dec: Christmas Day (in lieu)
الإجازات المرضية

Some employees are entitled under the Family Medical Leave Act to up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave each year for medical reasons. To be eligible employees have to have been with their employer for at least 12 months, have worked at least 1,250 hours over the course of the previous year, and be working for a company with at least 50 employees within 75 miles of their work location. Some states have further legislation relating to sick leave that goes beyond these federal requirements.

إجازة الأمومة

The Family and Medical Leave Act stipulates that mothers of newborn children are entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid leave if they are working for a company with 50+ employees. Some states have extended that right to women working for smaller companies. However, most mothers working for smaller companies have no right to paid or unpaid maternity leave.

إجازة الأبوة

In the majority of states, there is no legal requirement to offer paid paternity leave.

إنهاء العقد

عملية الإنهاء

Employers terminating an employee’s contract must follow relevant federal, state, and city laws regarding such issues as notice and processing final pay.

فترة الإشعار

Formal notice periods are not required when either party wants to end the employment relationship. However, 60 days’ notice must be given in mass dismissal cases.

مكافأة نهاية الخدمة

There are no federal requirements to offer severance pay.

فترة الاختبار

Probation periods vary from employer to employer and job to job, but a typical probation period would be 90 days.

ازدهار القوى العاملة عن بعد في _

تحديات التوظيف عن بعد في _

تبسيط التوظيف عن بعد في _ باستخدام ريموت باس

حساب الضريبة

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Top Countries
تكلفة صاحب العمل
إجمالي تكلفة التوظيف الشهرية
GBP 9,633
إجمالي تكاليف الراتب الشهري
GBP 8,334
الضرائب والمساهمات المقدرة
GBP 8,334
تكلفة الموظف
صافي الراتب الشهري
GBP 5,137
الراتب الشهري الإجمالي
GBP 8,334
الضرائب المقدرة والضمان الاجتماعي
GBP 8,334
Employer cost
إجمالي تكلفة التوظيف السنوية
GBP 9,633
إجمالي تكاليف الرواتب السنوية
GBP 8,334
الضرائب والمساهمات المقدرة
GBP 8,334
Employee cost
صافي الراتب السنوي
GBP 5,137
الراتب السنوي الإجمالي
GBP 8,334
الضرائب المقدرة والضمان الاجتماعي
GBP 8,334
طلب عرض أسعار مفصل