
الدرهم المغربي (MAD)
Payroll Frequency
Employer Taxes
14.69% إلى 18.19%



Morocco, a country located in the west of North Africa, lies directly across from Spain. Morocco is the only monarchy in North Africa and has been subject to extensive migration from communities outside the region.


Arabic & French
الدرهم المغربي (MAD)
Country code
Min wage
3,300 / 2,828.71 / 1,994.20 MAD per month (public/private/agricultural sectors)
Working hours
10 hours per day
Monday to Friday
Work hours per week
44 hours per month


  • Hourly workers should be paid at the least twice per month, while salaried employees should receive their salary monthly.
Avg employer tax
  • 14.69% to 18.19%


Tax breakdown - Employer
  • Short-Term Social Benefits: 1.05%
  • Long-Term Social Benefits: 7.93%
  • Health Insurance: 4.11%
  • Professional Training Tax: 1.60%
  • Social Solidarity (only for companies with annual net profits of 5 million to 40 million MAD): 2.50%
  • Social Solidarity (only for companies with annual net profits over 40 million MAD): 3.50%


Holidays / PTO

Public holidays in 2024
  • 1 January: New Year's Day
  • 11 January: Anniversary of the Independence Manifesto
  • 20 March: March Equinox
  • 1 May: Labour Day
  • 13 May: Eid al-Fitr
  • 14 May: Eid al-Fitr holiday
  • 21 June: June Solstice
  • 21 July: Eid al-Adha
  • 22 July: Eid al-Adha
  • 30 July: Feast of the Throne
  • 10 August: Hijra New Year
  • 14 August: Anniversary of the Recovery Oued Ed-Dahab
  • 20 August: Anniversary of the Revolution of the King and the People
  • 21 August: Youth Day
  • 22 September: September Equinox
  • 19 October: The Prophet Muhammad's Birthday
  • 20 October: The Prophet Muhammad's Birthday holiday
  • 6 November: Anniversary of the Green March
  • 18 November: Independence Day
  • 21 December: December Solstice
Sick days
  • Sick leave is generally available to employees who have contributed 54 days in the preceding six months.
  • The fourth day is when sick pay starts and it usually amounts to two-thirds the average daily wage.
Maternity leave
  • Female employees generally have 14 weeks of paid maternity leave at 100%.
  • They can also be granted an additional year of unpaid parental leave.
Paternity leave
  • Female employees generally have 14 weeks of paid maternity leave at 100%. They can also be granted an additional year of unpaid parental leave.


Termination Process
  • In order to terminate an employee in Morocco either for disciplinary or economic reasons, an employer must have sufficient rational
Notice Period
  • Except for serious offenses, all workers have a one-month notice period.
  • Employees who have been with the same company for over a year can also be eligible for compensation. This is proportionate to the length of their employment with the company.
Severance Pay
  • After six months of service, severance pay is due.
  • It corresponds to a number of hours per year that varies depending on the length of service.
  • 96 hours for the first 5 years;
  • 144 hours for the 10th and 15th years;
  • 92 hours per annum between the 11th & 15th years;
  • 92 hours between the 12th and 15th years;
  • 240 hours after 15th year.
Probation Period
  • The Labor Code sets maximum time limits on probation periods based on the job category.
  • For manual workers, it is 15 days; for employees, six weeks; and for managers, three months.
  • You can only renew the probationary period once.

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Tax Calculation

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Employer cost
Total monthly cost of employment
GBP 9,633
Gross monthly salary costs
GBP 8,334
Estimated taxes and contributions
GBP 8,334
Employee cost
Net monthly salary
GBP 5,137
Gross monthly salary
GBP 8,334
Estimated taxes & social security
GBP 8,334
Employer cost
Total yearly cost of employment
GBP 9,633
Gross yearly salary costs
GBP 8,334
Estimated taxes and contributions
GBP 8,334
Employee cost
Net yearly salary
GBP 5,137
Gross yearly salary
GBP 8,334
Estimated taxes & social security
GBP 8,334
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الدرهم المغربي (MAD)
تردد الرواتب
ضرائب أصحاب العمل
14.69% إلى 18.19%



Morocco, a country located in the west of North Africa, lies directly across from Spain. Morocco is the only monarchy in North Africa and has been subject to extensive migration from communities outside the region.


التركيبة السكانية
Arabic & French
الدرهم المغربي (MAD)
رمز الاتصال الدولي
الحد الأدنى للأجور
3,300 / 2,828.71 / 1,994.20 MAD per month (public/private/agricultural sectors)
ساعات العمل
10 hours per day
أيام الأسبوع
Monday to Friday
ساعات العمل اسبوعيا
44 hours per month


موعد صرف الرواتب
  • Hourly workers should be paid at the least twice per month, while salaried employees should receive their salary monthly.
متوسط ​​ضريبة صاحب العمل
  • 14.69% to 18.19%

تحصيل الضرائب

التوزيع الضريبي - صاحب العمل
  • Short-Term Social Benefits: 1.05%
  • Long-Term Social Benefits: 7.93%
  • Health Insurance: 4.11%
  • Professional Training Tax: 1.60%
  • Social Solidarity (only for companies with annual net profits of 5 million to 40 million MAD): 2.50%
  • Social Solidarity (only for companies with annual net profits over 40 million MAD): 3.50%
ضريبة القيمة المضافة


العطل / PTO

العطلات الرسمية في عام 2024
  • 1 January: New Year's Day
  • 11 January: Anniversary of the Independence Manifesto
  • 20 March: March Equinox
  • 1 May: Labour Day
  • 13 May: Eid al-Fitr
  • 14 May: Eid al-Fitr holiday
  • 21 June: June Solstice
  • 21 July: Eid al-Adha
  • 22 July: Eid al-Adha
  • 30 July: Feast of the Throne
  • 10 August: Hijra New Year
  • 14 August: Anniversary of the Recovery Oued Ed-Dahab
  • 20 August: Anniversary of the Revolution of the King and the People
  • 21 August: Youth Day
  • 22 September: September Equinox
  • 19 October: The Prophet Muhammad's Birthday
  • 20 October: The Prophet Muhammad's Birthday holiday
  • 6 November: Anniversary of the Green March
  • 18 November: Independence Day
  • 21 December: December Solstice
الإجازات المرضية
  • Sick leave is generally available to employees who have contributed 54 days in the preceding six months.
  • The fourth day is when sick pay starts and it usually amounts to two-thirds the average daily wage.
إجازة الأمومة
  • Female employees generally have 14 weeks of paid maternity leave at 100%.
  • They can also be granted an additional year of unpaid parental leave.
إجازة الأبوة
  • Female employees generally have 14 weeks of paid maternity leave at 100%. They can also be granted an additional year of unpaid parental leave.

إنهاء العقد

عملية الإنهاء
  • In order to terminate an employee in Morocco either for disciplinary or economic reasons, an employer must have sufficient rational
فترة الإشعار
  • Except for serious offenses, all workers have a one-month notice period.
  • Employees who have been with the same company for over a year can also be eligible for compensation. This is proportionate to the length of their employment with the company.
مكافأة نهاية الخدمة
  • After six months of service, severance pay is due.
  • It corresponds to a number of hours per year that varies depending on the length of service.
  • 96 hours for the first 5 years;
  • 144 hours for the 10th and 15th years;
  • 92 hours per annum between the 11th & 15th years;
  • 92 hours between the 12th and 15th years;
  • 240 hours after 15th year.
فترة الاختبار
  • The Labor Code sets maximum time limits on probation periods based on the job category.
  • For manual workers, it is 15 days; for employees, six weeks; and for managers, three months.
  • You can only renew the probationary period once.

ازدهار القوى العاملة عن بعد في _

تحديات التوظيف عن بعد في _

تبسيط التوظيف عن بعد في _ باستخدام ريموت باس

حساب الضريبة

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تكلفة صاحب العمل
إجمالي تكلفة التوظيف الشهرية
GBP 9,633
إجمالي تكاليف الراتب الشهري
GBP 8,334
الضرائب والمساهمات المقدرة
GBP 8,334
تكلفة الموظف
صافي الراتب الشهري
GBP 5,137
الراتب الشهري الإجمالي
GBP 8,334
الضرائب المقدرة والضمان الاجتماعي
GBP 8,334
تكلفة صاحب العمل
إجمالي تكلفة التوظيف السنوية
GBP 9,633
إجمالي تكاليف الرواتب السنوية
GBP 8,334
الضرائب والمساهمات المقدرة
GBP 8,334
تكلفة الموظف
صافي الراتب السنوي
GBP 5,137
الراتب السنوي الإجمالي
GBP 8,334
الضرائب المقدرة والضمان الاجتماعي
GBP 8,334
طلب عرض أسعار مفصل