Process whereby all interviews are conducted not in person, but rather over platforms such as zoom.
Remote hiring is the process whereby all interviews are conducted not in person, but rather over platforms such as zoom. They are commonplace in companies that employee fully remote workers, and are gaining traction even in companies that hire for onsite staff, as a time saving and convenient way to connect with candidates.
A thirteenth salary, or year end bonus.
(Automated Clearing House) or ACH transaction, is an electronic bank to bank money transfer.
Misclassification refers to that of an employee’s status.
Remote hiring can be a challenging task when scouting for the best employees for your organization
Process whereby all interviews are conducted not in person, but rather over platforms such as zoom.
Remote hiring is the process whereby all interviews are conducted not in person, but rather over platforms such as zoom. They are commonplace in companies that employee fully remote workers, and are gaining traction even in companies that hire for onsite staff, as a time saving and convenient way to connect with candidates.
هي تقييم رسمي يقوم فيه المدير بتقييم أداء عمل الموظف.
تشير الخصومات أو الاستقطاعات من كشوف المرتبات إلى الاستقطاعات الإجبارية والاختيارية من راتب الموظف.
يتم التحويل المحلي عندما يقوم البنك بإجراء دفعة إلى حساب مصرفي أجنبي.
تعرف على كيف يمكن لمنصات مثل ريموت باس تسهيل التوظيف العالمي ودفع الرواتب وإدارة الامتثال للشركات الناشئة التي تعمل على توسيع نطاق فرقها.